Five Reasons
Why you should use Handmade Paper

Simply put, handmade papers are beautiful. They have a certain quality of them that differs heavily from their machine made counterparts, The deckle edges, the rough and randomly undulated surfaces and the unique feel to each sheet give them a certain quality that cannot be achieved any other way. Here are Five Reasons Why You Should Use Handmade Paper.
1. Sustainable
Perhaps the number one reason anyone should be using handmade papers over machine made is that all handmade papers are made, as the name implies, by hand. The process used to produce these papers can be 100% sustainable. Lokta Paper is a good example as the fibres of the Lokta bush provide the pulp for the paper, and any waste branches or leaves can be burnt and used as a fuel, new plants then sprout in 3-4 years allowing for the process to repeat itself. This renewable process is great for mother earth and for the farmers harvesting the crops, giving a continuity that can continue for decades.
2. Unique
As handmade paper is made by hand in single sheets, the paper that is produced is completely unique compared to any other sheet. The hand drying and producing process has a large amount of variables that will affect the final product. The type of pulp used, the colour, whether any dye has been added and the position the sun hits the sheets when drying all contribute to these specific attributes. Giving each piece of paper an characteristically individual feel.

3. Practical
Despite being made by hand and being extremely sustainable, handmade paper is also extremely efficient and good at its job. Due to the fibres inside being well looked after and 100% natural that are typically stronger and more versatile. Sanwa Tissue Paper for example is extremely resistant to tearing and very strong considering its delicate and light feel. And papers such as Khadi Papers are very well suited for multiple art techniques being designed to take lots of water with size for watercolours but also having a good amount of texture for pastel work.
4. Heritage
There is a lot of backstory to handmade papers. Lokta paper has been produced for centuries and some of the world's oldest surviving documents are made of lokta, being up to 2000 years old. As the paper is so old, people have managed to figure out how to use it to a T and produce some of the finest artists products available. The continuous development and production of these materials allows the farmers and papermakers to refine their process.
5. Beauty
Simply put, handmade papers are beautiful. They have a certain quality of them that differs heavily from their machine made counterparts. The deckle edges, the rough and randomly undulated surfaces and the unique feel to each sheet give them a certain quality that cannot be achieved any other way. They feel incredible to work with and give the artist a sense of history whilst working. They reward skilled craftsmanship and have been designed skillfully also.
For all of our handmade papers see our full range here.
Image Credits:
Sandra Manchester